2025 marks my twelfth new year. New Year’s Eve is pretty much a non-event around my house. Dad goes to bed, and I sit with Mom on the sofa while we watch a shiny ball fall down a tower. I wonder what happens to it when it reaches the ground. I wish I could chase it.
New Year’s Eve hasn’t always been so laid back. I remember a few times the neighborhood got pretty noisy, and I had to hide in the closet. What’s a firecracker? Then there was the time we had company for dinner, and I got to clean up the morsels that fell to the floor. Just performing one of my duties. I didn’t care for the pointy hat they put on my head, though.
I hear talk about New Year’s resolutions. Things like lose weight, exercise more, shave five strokes off a golf score. I don’t know about you, but my resolutions are very simple, like take more naps, finally catch that allusive bunny, and make sure the kitchen floor is clean. Maybe we could make some New Year’s resolutions together.
1. Make new friends. No crotch sniffing. No jumping. No stepping on toes.
2. Go on daily walks. No pulling. No chasing bunnies. No burying your nose in a bush for several minutes.
3. Demonstrate good manners at the dinner table. No table surfing. No whining for food. No foot warming.
4. Get plenty of fresh air. Practice zoomies in the yard. Lay in the sun. No barking at the neighbors’ dogs.
5. Get plenty of sleep. Don’t hog the bed. Don’t migrate to the pillows when Mom goes to the bathroom. Keep Mom warm.
6. Drink more water. Refrain from drinking from the toilet bowl. Don’t drip slobber all over the wall and floor. Chew more ice cubes.
7. Make time for yourself. Roll in the dirt. Take a nap. Look out the window.
8. Get to know your neighbors. Don’t trample their flowers. Be sure Mom scoops up my deposits in a little bag. No barking.
9. Challenge your brain. Play with a different toy daily. Chase lizards. Learn a new trick.
10. Be happy. Wag your tail. Smile. Dance when no one is looking.
Whatever your new year’s resolutions are for 2025, be sure to include the dog.
Happy New Year!
Love, Larry