Holy Week 2020 falls in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic and during a world-wide quarantine to limit the spread of this deadly virus. By writing this blog entry, my wish is to bring you some beautiful photos that may bring joy and hope into your lives. I’m doing my part and staying close to…
Gambel’s Quail and Other Bird Calls
If you’re reading this on your phone, I would suggest you switch to a computer or tablet so you can listen to the bird calls using a QR Code Reader App on your phone. Every morning I wake up to bird songs filling the air announcing the day, but more importantly right now, Springtime. When…
Spring! Time to Build a Nest
Today is the first day of Spring! You know what that means: it’s time to build a nest. I’m nesting, or staying close to home, because of the COVID-19 virus. Are you? My friends are spring cleaning, baking bread, and homeschooling children. In case you would like a book to read to your little ones…
The Christmas Tree
I stand in the center of a grove, surrounded by towering beauty. I look around me, admiring the perfect arms of the ones closest to me. I envy the symmetrical way their boughs stretch out at the bottom and gracefully taper to a point at the top. I am shorter than the rest and am…
“Love Lost and Found” – a Short Story
Maggie sits on a blue and green beach towel spread over the grainy sand. The lake glistens like a turquoise gem as water and beach worshipers enjoy the warm weather. The small Minnesota resort town of 6,000 swells to almost 9,000 in the summer with vacationing sunbirds, roaming teenagers, and drunken college students. Summertime…
Expiration Dates
Hubby bought a 38-ounce bottle of ketchup two summers ago when I wasn’t around to supervise. The stamped expiration date is April 28, 2016, but it hasn’t turned blue, and it smells okay, so I’m not going to waste it by throwing it away. The last time we bought a gigantic bottle of ketchup was…
Burger Time
It’s been 10 years, since I ate at Burger King. Husband, however, gets a hankering for a Whopper every once in awhile. This comes from a man who eats chicken and fish seven days a week, won’t eat sausage, and has low-fat yogurt every morning for breakfast. The last time he had a craving for…
Great Post by Kristen Lamb
Cyber Bullies vs. Cyber Lynch Mobs—Does Anyone Win?
Mother’s Day
Today is Mother’s Day. I am sitting in a truck with my husband driving through Utah on our way to our summer home in Minnesota. It’s raining, and the Beatle’s song “Just Another Day” is appropriately playing on the radio. You may be asking yourself some questions: “Why are you traveling on Mother’s Day?” and…
Falling Down
I have a propensity to fall down – a lot! Lucky for me, I haven’t broken anything – yet! I feel very fortunate that I still have all my bones and skull intact because the more severe the injury is in direct proportion to the age of the person. The following four missteps – pun…