I’m a lucky dog. I lick my lips and get a cookie. I show my puppy-dog eyes and get on the sofa. I toss a ball from my mouth, and it will be thrown for me to retrieve. I stare at my dad, and he’ll give me an after-dinner treat. In addition, I received a…
Unconditional Love
When I was just a pup I remember playing with my two brothers in a place where there were lots of dogs waiting to be adopted. The three of us were pretty rambunctious and earned the names Curly, Moe, and Larry. I’m not sure what those names mean, but when our story is told, people…
Unexpected New Year Trip
How exciting. The year 2025 came in with a bang with an unexpected trip to Cruise ER. I wasn’t sure what clothes to take, but I knew it might be chilly, so I spent several minutes in my closet choosing grey sweats and stylish tops. My shoes were a furry lined Sketchers boat slip on,…
Larry’s Happy New Year Message
2025 marks my twelfth new year. New Year’s Eve is pretty much a non-event around my house. Dad goes to bed, and I sit with Mom on the sofa while we watch a shiny ball fall down a tower. I wonder what happens to it when it reaches the ground. I wish I could chase…
Larry’s Words of Wisdom: The Sweet Smells of Christmas
Do you smell that? It smells like the holidays. I have a pretty good sniffer, you know. I make sure I inspect every bush, tree, and rock on my walks with Mom. She tries to hurry me along, but I’m not having it. I want to see if I know anyone who’s been to the…
Larry Writes Magazine Articles
Not only did Larry publish a book, Larry’s Words of Wisdom, he now writes articles for the Neighbors of Sun City West magazine. Well, he’s written one article so far, and it’s going to be published in November 2024. I thought you’d like to read what he has to say: Hi! I’m Larry. I have…
My daddy taught me how to swim, and I’ve had a swimming pool in my backyard for 36 years of my life. When we moved from Glendale to Phoenix, we decided against a pool because the desert dust storms created a mud bath, and husband was tired of trying to keep it from turning green….
Laura Purdie Salas, Children’s Author & Speaker
As I was scrolling through Twitter one day, I came across an image of a duckling riding on the back of a loon. It was the cover of a book! A book about how a pair of Common Loons adopted an orphaned Mallard Duckling, two species who normally don’t get along. I remember seeing this…
Happy New Year
Do You Have Festive Plans For New Year’s Eve? When my husband and I were first married, we’d be sure to sleep in on New Year’s Day and recap what we did on all our previous New Year’s Eves. As the years passed, it was a challenge to our cerebellum trying to remember. Don’t even…
Debbie Chamberlain, Children’s Author
An author friend recently introduced me to Debbie Chamberlain, a retired elementary school teacher and ambitious lady who’s passion is to encourage well-being in children and adults. Clearly, I want to be just like Debbie when I grow up. You’ll see why after this interview. A TWIN? Barb: Tell us a little bit about yourself…