I’m a lucky dog. I lick my lips and get a cookie. I show my puppy-dog eyes and get on the sofa. I toss a ball from my mouth, and it will be thrown for me to retrieve. I stare at my dad, and he’ll give me an after-dinner treat.
In addition, I received a comfy new bed for Christmas. I watch dogs on TV. And my mom takes me for walks every day. Yes, I’m a lucky dog indeed.
Speaking of walks, I’ve noticed other lucky dogs in the neighborhood. I spotted one small dog being pushed in a stroller. I don’t think they make strollers large enough for a 65-pound Lab. Anyway, I prefer to walk and check out the scents in the rocks and bushes. Mailbox poles are particularly fragrant.
One time I saw a pack of dogs: five of them to be exact, ranging in sizes from very small to very large. Their brave mom and dad were holding their leashes, but I didn’t want to investigate too closely. Five against one are not good odds, and I could foresee an entanglement of legs, tails, and leashes.
Sometimes a stray dog will saunter across the street. Mom makes a sharp U-turn when she sees one of those. She tells me it’s a coyote, not a dog, and we don’t mess with coyotes.
I’ve met some very friendly dogs on my walks, and we always sniff hello. Bentley is a little white dog who is always in a hurry. My mom and his mom stand too long to talk. Nelson is a red poodle who always faces the same direction when he does his doody. Sometimes we walk together and peruse the same interesting scents, mostly on corner lots. Kingston is always wagging his tail. His mom and my mom holler across the street to each other and mostly talk about the weather.
Abby lives across the street and runs at high speed. She’s a German Shorthair and is always scouting for bunnies and birds in the neighbors’ bushes. I’d like to take a few lessons in running and hunting from her since I’m part German Shorthair too.
According to my “Larry’s Words of Wisdom” calendar, St. Patrick’s Day is in the month of March, as well as National Hug Your Dog Day, and National Puppy Day. I believe every day should be Hug Your Dog Day.
I hope you will have a month filled with good luck, prosperity, and happy tails.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day.